Return products

Did you receive an incorrect product, or would you like to return your product?

You can return your product within fourteen days. That being said, the products must be undamaged and kept in their original packaging. Attention !! All returned goods are checked by our quality service for damage and use. Damaged or used goods are NOT accepted and will NOT be refunded.

Did you receive damaged products? If the delivered products are defective or damaged upon receipt, we ask you to contact our customer service so that we can work with you to find a solution. You can get in touchwith us via our page Contact page.

How do I get my purchase amount back?

Your purchase amount will always be deposited into the account where we received the money from.

Attention!! All returned goods are checked by our quality service for damage and use… Damaged goods will NOT be refunded.

Shipping costs

  • Whether you are returning a complete order or just one product:
  • Both the shipping costs for sending your order and the costs for returning your order are for your own account.
  • So you will get your purchase amount back, but not the shipping costs (unless you have made other agreements with our customer service).

Do you have a specific question?

Please feel free to contact our customer service : see Contact page

Return products by post

  • You must first report a return via our return portal.  We kindly ask you to complete this within 14 days
  • Please fill in the online form and complete your return by clicking Start.
  • Then print out the completed form and add it to the products you are returning.
  • Pack the product in its original packaging and return it to your nearest post office.

How to return products per pallet?

  • If you have received an order on a pallet that you wish to return, make sure everything is neatly stacked. If possible, keep heavy items on the bottom while adding lighter products on top. Make sure that goods do not stick out of the pallet.
  • Pallets must be fully wrapped with plastic film so that no goods can fall off during transport.
  • Pallets must be provided with a return slip / delivery slip.